Sunday, April 10, 2011

Longest/Craziest day at Point Park in awhile

OK! Wow, I'm exhausted from yesterday, BUT here we go:
Smith and Desmond were extatic about the wonderfully free breakfast provided for all of the participants

 I was told that as soon as these guys were done with this wall, someone peed on it….wooops

It was Pioneer Community Day and a WHOLE lot of people got involved all over the city. Painting walls, painting weight rooms, painting eggs with old folks (I guess we did a lot of painting…?).  I was exhausted just walking around town observing and shooting.

The Bess Rogers and David Wilson concert was amazing. I always enjoy his stuff.

Finally, the night was capped with a dance with a LIVE band, which was sweet. It was all to benefit the Make a Wish Foundation, which is always a good thing. There was food, games, a sack race that I lost, and root beer keg. Did you read that?! A ROOT BEER KEG! YES!
Anyway, twas a ton of fun and I hope Point Park does it again next year and hopefully more people will hear about it's success and stick to their obligations and actually want to come and volunteer.

My crazy day was capped with fireworks from PNC (even though the bucos lost) and salsa dancing till 2 in the morning…mhm mhm. Yeah, it's safe to say I'll be a bit of a zombie for a while.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

No Shoes, no problem

There were plenty of reasons why I didn't want to get out of bed this morning.

  1. I'm sick and according to WebMD I could have the Plague
  2. I didn't want to go to class
  3. I didn't want to go to work
  4. I was having a very good dream about my cats back home
  5. It was cold and raining 
I then started to think about this "day without shoes" and what it meant. People would be asking why I was not wearing shoes. I told them it was to raise awareness for those who are less fortunate and may not even have shoes to wear. I then started to think about what I was complaining to myself about. Not wanting to go to class. College. An opportunity that many don't get to experience. Some people would do anything to get out of bed and go to a college class every day and also have job for the school. I thought that the least I could do to show my awareness was to go without shoes for one day.

Since I live on campus, I only had to walk across the street to my class and my job is in the same building. Across the street and back. That's it. Not too bad. I
It felt kinda weird walking around the cafe. I was informed as I was checking out that they can't allow people with bare feet in, but they weren't sure what to do on the "day without shoes".  I felt really disgusting walking into the mens room (and it took me a second to realize where I was…without shoes). I was expecting the guy who was in the stall to come out and laugh at how gross it was for me to be in there with bare feet. Then he walked out without washing his hands...